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Langeland housing association
Langeland housing association is working with the municipality of Langeland to bring new residents to the island with good and up-to-date housing. Therefore, the housing association felt that their buildings needed renovation of the existing property so that the employees could work toward their goals in beautiful surroundings. The renovation was completed in 2021.
The façade is made of Frøslev ABODO. So is the new overhang. The special thing about ABODO is that it is entirely knotless, resulting in a completely unique façade. Over the years, the light brown colour of the wood will patinate into a silver-grey shade when most exposed to sunlight.
C & W Arkitekter A/S designed the new building for Langeland housing association so that they can show the rest of the Danish population the unique environment on Langeland for many years to come.
Wood and profiles
- Frøslev ABODO - thermally modified pine (radiata pine)
- 3936H Klink profile with planed surface (finished dimensions 21 x 141 mm)
- 50 x 50 mm planed 4 sides with rounded edges (finished dimensions 40 x 40 mm)
- 25 x 75 mm planed 4 sides with rounded edges (finished dimensions 18 x 65 mm)

Abodo is durable and easy to work with. It is also aesthetically beautiful. The wood has a beautiful, warm and brown shade. Svend Anker Andersen, Salesperson, Frøslev