
Sustainable construction

Wood in construction is more relevant than ever before as wood has a number of unique features that make it one of the leading forces of future construction. Wood is renewable, it removes CO2 from the air, it is strong, easy to process and easy to transport. And it is good for all of our senses: Wood is beautiful, smells good, provides great acoustics and allergy-friendly rooms and offers pleasant surroundings. We at Frøslev love wood and would like to help everyone use wood to create innovative and durable solutions. Now and in the future.

Our wood is certified and declared

Every single piece of wood we sell at Frøslev is either FSC®- or PEFCTM-certified. The two certifications are well-integrated in the wood industry in major parts of the world and provide you with a guarantee that environmental as well as social responsibility are documented.

Frøslev Embla ThermoWood in pine and spruce is also available with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in the “Wood – particularly durable” grade.


Frøslev is a member of FSC® Danmark. The FSC® mark is your guarantee for responsible forestry and improved living conditions for the local population in forests around the world – from tropical rainforests to Swedish coniferous forests.
FSC® C106294


PEFC is an international, recognised labelling scheme for sustainable forest management. It ensures environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management for current and future generations.

Nordic Swan Ecolabel

Frøslev Embla® ThermoWood® in pine and spruce is available with the official Nordic Swan Ecolabel which is your guarantee that the product meets current, stringent environmental requirements and is among the least environmentally harmful products within its category.
Nordic Swan Ecolabel licence no. 5086 0008

EPD Danmark

EPD Danmark is an organisation issuing environmental informative labels for construction products according to recognised European and international standards. An EPD is used to document the environmental impact, resource consumption and waste generation of a product. Figures necessary to make an LCS calculation.
Frøslev has EPD calculations for a number of our products.

3.5 million tonnes of CO₂ That is the amount we can save per year by replacing traditional construction materials with wood. Source: CO₂-besparelse ved træbyggeri (CO₂ savings in wood construction), Rambøll, 2020

Ready for the new climate requirements?

As of January 2023, there are limits as to how much CO₂ new buildings may emit. Building owners must be able to document that climate requirements are observed using a so-called LCA calculation. The new climate requirements are meant to push construction in a sustainable direction; an initiative that Frøslev is happy to embrace.

In those regards, wood plays a critical part as it is among the least environmentally harmful materials. The choice of material is of major importance to the total climate impact of a construction project, and there will therefore be more focus on implementing wood and other organic construction materials in construction.

Together for more wood in construction

Together with other Danish suppliers of wood and wood-based solutions for construction, we work to promote responsible and durable construction.

As a member of the association Træ i Byggeriet, we work to increase use of wood in construction and to spread awareness of the many possible applications of wood and its sustainable properties. Furthermore, we publish the magazine VIDEN OM TRÆ (knowledge about wood) that uses articles, videos and podcasts to add focus on just that: knowledge about wood.

We are also ambassadors for wood in Denmark and support the wood industry’s common enlightenment project, Træ.dk, as well as the interest group Træinformation that works to strengthen and develop the market for wood in construction.

Go to traeibyggeriet.dk